I am seated in the second pew from the front just to the right of the center aisle in a great cathedral. The smell of sweet incense in the air and a residual haze from its smoke causes beams of radiant pastel lights to manifest in streams through the ancient stained glass windows. Huge pillars of grey stone rise from the marble floors, ornately chiseled to flourish at the ceiling that complements the skilled artistry of their sculptors. The ceiling is carefully and passionately precise with brushstrokes of a painter whose job it was to adorn the covering of this house of worship with deeply rich colors and representations of the God who owned his heart, mind and soul and for Whom he lived to do honor. It was his charge to create the veil of a place where heaven touched the earth of its inhabitants. Every dip of his brush, every stroke, every tiny speckle of paint was an act of his worship.
My eyes descend as my ears are filled with the tones and textures of a song of gratitude. Just in front of the altar is a lovely young woman dressed in a long white gown adorned with pearls and softly shimmering with tiny sparkles here and there of playful reflected light. The fragrance of Christ has filled the room. She leads us all in a song of thankfulness, simple, sweet, poignant and precise. Its melody is easy, the lyrics fluid and our hearts respond with fullness. There is a swelling of praise from everyone present as our voices rise toward heaven in a prayer of gratitude for grace. My heart is overwhelmed. I inhale so deeply that my chest seems to boarder on bursting. I cannot contain it. I touch heaven… and I awake.
I awake alert, gasping at small repeated gasps of oxygen, like those of a little child just after a long session of weeping. I feel like I can fly through the ceiling of my bedroom and go on forever. What longing fills my heart and senses to cling to His presence and be devoured in His arms, to fully experience the oneness of my spirit in His, to melt into His bosom and find that nothing of me remains only Christ in me and I in Him.
The song. The song. I remember the song of thanksgiving. I toss my blankets aside and rush downstairs to the piano. I pull out several sheets of staff paper and breathlessly scour the piano bench for a pencil or pen. I write down the chord structure as tears spill down my cheeks. I am thankful; thankful for the Name of Jesus; thankful for the blood that cleans us; Lord I’m thankful for you each day….
In a matter of moments the song is notated. Chords, melody line and lyrics are all on a piece of paper on my piano. I return to my bed in a spirit of peaceful accomplishment. I am given a brief moment in heaven and tasted of a simple act of thankfulness and God responded with gracious kindness to let me bring something back, light and easy.
So what does this have to do with tomatoes and cabbage and miracles and God’s principle of reciprocity? Well, this began a study for me. In the coming months God allowed me to pen music in such a divine manner that it was intriguing. One song, “Stepping Out”, was met with 1200 people shouting “sing it again”, five times. Imagine singing a four minute song and having to repeat it four times finally choosing to deny the fifth request at the ongoing shouts of a thousand souls lost in exuberant praise.
What had created this atmosphere of favor? What prompted the creative flow to such a degree when years of prior attempts brought little fruit by comparison? Was there something I had done or some process I had followed that tapped the favor of Heaven in my regard? What caused men to open doors and respond with such enthusiasm? If I could find that out, perhaps I could repeat it and share with my brothers and sisters in Christ the secret of moving faith to activate results? Is there a principle that we can glean from the Scriptures that moves the angels to minister, that triggers heaven to bend down and hear and touch and move on our behalf? I say yes!
Luke chapter 6 verse 38 says, "Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure--pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return." What I attribute the success, if you will, of this download of music was that several days prior I had purchased five wireless microphones for our church worship team as a gift offering. I planted seed in giving to the music department and by virtue took part in a greater and better means of our local body expressing their worship. I “invested” in music. I planted seed in “music”. I contributed to “music”. God therefore in response allowed me to reap fruit in like kind by giving me music. Wow. What a great principle! This is actually quite critical in our lives to understand and despite its simplicity, I confess that I missed it for most of my Christian life experience.
For the sake of the illustration regarding the planting of seed, let’s say I have a farm where I grow tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, roses and parsley. This is what God has given me specifically to enjoy in the garden of my life: my gifts, talents, skills, abilities and resources. James chapter one verse seventeen reads, “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above.”
Now I would like to have some cabbage for a cool summer cole slaw salad. If I plant tomatoes, will I get cabbage? Of course I will not. If I want lilies, do I plant roses? If I want blueberries, do I plant parsley? But that is how we operate and continue to operate despite our inability to receive what we want or need repeatedly. We continue to operate in giving blindly without consideration of our donations as investments subject to harvest. We have been simply taught to give or when times get rough, we emotionally hoard and protect our own, without regard for this critical principle of truth which will never be changed. You reap what you sow, specifically!
See Galatians chapter six verse seven which reads, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” I think we missed the principle because it was referring to harsh behaviors and sin patterns but the principle is the same in every circumstance especially good ones. If I sow kindness, I reap kindness. If I sow encouragement, I reap encouragement. If I sow forgiveness, I reap forgiveness. If I sow mercy and compassion, I reap mercy and compassion. And in these troubled times of economic hardship and challenge that most of the body is facing, consider that if we sow help, we shall reap help; if we sow economic assistance, we reap economic assistance.
We find this peppered through the scriptures such as Matthew chapter seven verse one referring to judgment which reads, “Do not judge so that you will not be judged” or the parable of the debtor where Jesus describes the principle of reciprocation in detail. Read Matthew chapter eighteen verses twenty-three to thirty-four for the complete illustration of a debtor, his choice of forgiveness (mercy) and the consequences he faced at either extreme of investments in seed sown.
The principle is clear. On the negative perspective which brings great stumbling and frustration to my life experience, I may choose to invest in gossip and wonder why I do not have healthy relationships; I may invest in pornography and wonder why I am tormented physically and emotionally; I choose to invest in fattening foods and pray for a healthy body without resolution; I eagerly give my money in the accumulation of worldly goods and wonder why I am financially debilitated and continue in debt regardless of the level of financial wealth I attain; I may betray the trust of a friend and wonder why I am fired from my jobs after contributing to the company’s success or experience the theft of my personal belongings. “The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy…” (John 10:10) and he will take every opportunity to fall into agreement with bad seed and come alongside you in that harvest of your life. I Peter chapter five verse eighteen says, “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour”. There is a harvest that looks just like this but is not motivated or associated with bad seed but all to the contrary. I will address this completely later in this article that judgment may not be exercised over individuals whose life is marked by apparent tragedy or hardship.
On the positive side and back to using the mechanics of God’s kingdom effectively in our lives (this is the really juicy part), let us consider that I give my car away to an outreach ministry that is in need of transportation or a sister who is a great evangelist. What do you think would be the result? I would immediately start to have opportunities and success in leading folks to Christ or I receive a large unexpected bonus at work which is more than enough to buy a new car. We accept these things with gratitude but fail to see the connection. It is a direct result of the seed of faith which we have just invested. I facilitated and invested in evangelism and transportation. I reaped accordingly.
God gives us according to the seed that we plant in like kind and that is the key to God’s miracle principle of reciprocation. Invest in meeting the need for someone else for something you have as a need or want. If I need a car, help someone else get one. If I need a job, help someone else get one. If I need food, throw a dinner party for others with what you have in your pantry. If you want to be a better artist, teach others how to paint. If you want to get better grades, teach younger students how to pass their exams. If you need help cleaning out your garage, help a neighbor clean out his. Now be careful not to make this an exercise in inventory taking. I am not helping my neighbor clean out his garage so I can ask, “Can you now help me clean out mine?” We are not subscribing to “you scratch my back and I scratch yours. “ That would be human, earthly manipulation. We are seeking to operate in healthy kingdom principles of investing and reaping where we sow. Give expecting nothing in return from man. Seek God and His blessing on what you do, exclusively. You can expect Him to do according to His promises; according to His word; according to the principle of reciprocation.
I have an aunt who loves me dearly. She is an amazing woman with a heart big enough to fill the room she inhabits but she was raised under an ungodly belief that if she gives something to someone, she has the right to ask them for something in return as they are now indebted to her. Here is the scenario. She invites you to dinner having prepared your favorite meal, beverage and desert. It is perfect. She sets the table, serves you graciously in speech and action. She speaks of her desire and enthusiasm in preparing this meal just for you to show you how much she loves you and desires to honor your visit to her home. She dotes over you, buttering your bread, filling your glass whenever you take a sip, and building up excitement for the special desert she made just for you. Every moment is focused on you for about fifteen minutes.
Somewhere about half way through the meal, she will get up and go to her bedroom, emerging with handfuls of letters and documents and pill bottles which she then proceeds to set on the table next to your meal. She then informs you that she would like you to read the letters to her and have you search out the medications on the internet to learn their side effects. And after that, she would like you to call certain people on her behalf and make appointments or ask for information or any number of other tasks she has detailed in chronological order on a list she places on top of the pile of documents you are to read. After laughing, this has got to unnerve anyone. One suddenly feels like a turkey being escorted to the barn on thanksgiving morning.
This behavior is rooted in a fear of rejection and lack of self worth. She does not believe that she is worth helping or serving without her first giving something of herself. But the enemy twists even this around so she loses every time. Who wants to be around someone who shares good only to create a venue for guilt and usury? Her attempts at being gracious turn out to push folks away instead of win their hearts and she is left feeling unloved, unappreciated, undervalued and bewildered at the turn of events. Her gifts are emotionally perceived as manipulative and the recipient is offended and moves away from her. She reaps exactly what she anticipated and tried to avoid. The seed was sown and reaped and she remains a victim with a wounded heart. The enemy knows how to ruin and destroy well. He is very skilled at it. Manipulation never works to build relationships and is the farthest thing from the miracle principle of reciprocation which is grounded in discernment, discretion and confidentiality. The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. There is no place for guilt or usury or inventory taking as to how much one gives in correlation to what one gets. It is all about being a generous investor with what God has given you without condition upon man.
I spoke to my aunt about this so no judgment exists and God is bringing healing to her heart even at age seventy-five. How wonderful to know we can be children of the Lord throughout our lifetimes.
There are seven keys I have found to activating God’s miracle principle of reciprocation. Any one of them will yield fruit but the more of them I hold as personal commitments; the more I reap God’s kindness, favor and intimacy in my life. I have had abundance of material wealth and have more recently experienced great loss but the windows and doors of heaven are open to me as never before. My heart is filled with thankfulness and I rest in His providence and grace and mercy with resoluteness and trust as I have not known prior. This brings me to a point of clarification.
The following principles are those which I have found from the Scriptures that create an atmosphere of anointed receiving. Just remember that all you do in favor of God’s kingdom, His people, Israel and the promotion of the good news of Jesus Christ locally and globally will bear fruit and is subject to harvest on your behalf. Thank you for your partnership in the kingdom. May all His blessings continue to be yours and manifest in your word and deeds with ever increasing faithfulness.
Activating God’s miracle principle of reciprocation:
1. Be generous: “Freely you received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8 and “For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given You.” I Chronicles 29:14
2. Give with an attitude of investing: “And others fell on the good soil and yielded a crop, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty.” Matthew 13:8
3. Sow in good soil where you want to reap: "Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure--pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return." Luke 6:38
4. Become committed to blessing others: “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” Galatians 6:9-10
5. Be observant of the needs of others: “Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4
6. No inventory taking or manipulation: “Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” II Corinthians 9:7
7. Keep it between you and God: “So that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” Matthew 6:4
Now as we contemplate our future investments, let me note that there are only two things that last forever according to God’s word; His word and people. It would seem from this that living your life for anything other than these two would be an exercise in limited return on investment. Blessings to you and yours now and forever.
“So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11
“Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven.” Psalm 119:89
"Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.” John 4:35-36
Alex Delgado
International Renaissance House
© 2010 International Renaissance House, All Rights Reserved.
Contemplation of Current Crisis and Conveyance of Consecrated Care for Concerned Contemporaries in Christ
We are in a tough season but before I allow myself to worry, weep or whine, I will willingly worship! I believe this is what God had in mind when He asked the children of Israel to build altars of remembrance (Exodus 20:24) that their hearts would not fail in times of distress and that they would find the courage to press on toward the upward call on their lives; irrevocable, irrepressible and inescapable. (Joshua 1:9; Philippians 3:14; Romans 11:29) God is absolutely for us. (Romans 8:31) Here are some thoughts to ponder...
Do I know that God loves me? Most people don't. Do I hear His voice most of the time? Most people don't. Do I have the ability to see, smell, taste, walk, dance, write, sing, talk, hear, work? Some people don't. Do I have people in your life that love me and enjoy my company? Some people don't. Do I have clothes to wear and food to eat and a roof over my head? Some people don't. Do I experience high energy, laughter, enthusiasm? Some people don't. Do I understand what complete forgiveness is mine and that I live in Covenant relationship with the Creator of the Universe? Some people don't. Have I received healing? Some people have not. Have I witnessed or received miracles? Some people have not. Have I experienced God's overwhelming presence so much so that I wept uncontrollably at the embrace of such limitless passionate regard for me? Some people have not. Have I heard God whisper insight and understanding to my heart and mind regarding issues of life that captivated me in wonder and amazement? Most people have not. Have I experienced shipwreck; beatings; imprisonment? Some people have. It seems part of the course for intimates. Just a thought.
"You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13
"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." Phillipians 4:4
"I will bless the LORD at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul will make its boast in the LORD;
The humble will hear it and rejoice. O magnify the LORD with me,
And let us exalt His name together.
I sought the LORD, and He answered me,
And delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:1-4
Do I know that God loves me? Most people don't. Do I hear His voice most of the time? Most people don't. Do I have the ability to see, smell, taste, walk, dance, write, sing, talk, hear, work? Some people don't. Do I have people in your life that love me and enjoy my company? Some people don't. Do I have clothes to wear and food to eat and a roof over my head? Some people don't. Do I experience high energy, laughter, enthusiasm? Some people don't. Do I understand what complete forgiveness is mine and that I live in Covenant relationship with the Creator of the Universe? Some people don't. Have I received healing? Some people have not. Have I witnessed or received miracles? Some people have not. Have I experienced God's overwhelming presence so much so that I wept uncontrollably at the embrace of such limitless passionate regard for me? Some people have not. Have I heard God whisper insight and understanding to my heart and mind regarding issues of life that captivated me in wonder and amazement? Most people have not. Have I experienced shipwreck; beatings; imprisonment? Some people have. It seems part of the course for intimates. Just a thought.
"You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13
"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." Phillipians 4:4
"I will bless the LORD at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul will make its boast in the LORD;
The humble will hear it and rejoice. O magnify the LORD with me,
And let us exalt His name together.
I sought the LORD, and He answered me,
And delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:1-4
As we grow in our church life, we sometimes hear the word covenant. We are given to understand it as a promise of sorts between God and His people whether individually or corporately. Even after years of exposure, we continue to think of it merely as a promise be it nonetheless from Someone Who is Faithful and True beyond measure thereby offering its meaning or potency a bit more substance. Understanding covenant however is key to our promised inheritance. We must understand covenant as God intended to the fullest extent we are able if we are to experience life as God's people - to feel the Power of His Pervasive Presence and the full Potency of His Persistent Passion, Protection and Provision!
"Behold, days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah..." Jeremiah 31:31
"This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood." Luke 22:20
God is a covenant God and we are a covenant people. The Jews and the Gentiles through specific grafting (Romans 11:16-18) are the only people on earth that are in covenant agreement with The King of the Universe, Creator of Heaven and Earth. Covenant is commitment. We cannot walk with God without truly understanding the level of commitment He has toward us! And that is one huge point to understand that our relationship to God is not based on our commitment to Him but rather on His commitment to us. Now before you get your hair in a knot or your feathers all ruffled, let us consider the wonder, amazement and glorious benevolence of our Heavenly Father who always takes the initiative where our relationship to Him is concerned. See Romans 5:8 and I John 4:19.
Historically, we can visit Genesis 8:15 through 9:17 with specific attention to chapter 9, verses 9 and 15. God establishes a covenant with Noah and all living things on the earth. In verse 9 He states that He Himself will establish the covenant. He uses the personal pronoun to emphatically state that He initiates the covenant and redundantly points to Himself. Noah does not make the covenant. God does. In verse 15 God states that the rainbow is there to "remind" Himself of the covenant He has made. It is not there to remind Noah or the inhabitants of the earth to all future generations of His promise. It is there to remind God of His promise and He says it three consecutive times just in case we don't get it the first two times (Genesis 9:15,16,17). God carries the weight of the commitment! Can we understand the magnitude of His passion for us; His love and devotion to His people?
Let us examine another covenant activity of God as found in Genesis 15:9-21 when He makes a covenant with Abram (Abraham). There is a sacrifice of blood and rather than have both parties walk through in covenant swearing the promise to be kept to each other or suffer the same consequence as the animal, God causes a sleep to overcome Abraham and then walks among the pieces of flesh with Himself, with Himself! (Genesis 15:17) What a perfect picture of substitutionary sacrifice (Hebrews 2:17; I John 2:2 and 4:10). God makes the promise to keep the covenant with Himself in place of Abraham knowing we have not the power to do anything apart from Him (John 15:5). God steps up to the plate, offers us, His people, a life of power, promise and provision and swears by Himself to do so in the event we should blow it along the way somehow. There is nothing I can do to earn it or lose it. God does it all. In understanding this we come to realize that our circumstances, however difficult, are not cast upon us by our Heavenly Father. Nor are crushing blows we experience in life a result of some inadequacy on our part to please God. God is absolutely whacko crazy in love with us and that love is not based on what we do or fail to do. The covenant actions prove this. Jesus said, “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) God is a giver. If it smells like stealing, killing and destroying, it is not God but the enemy of our souls who is at work in the free realm in which we presently live.
"I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you." Genesis 17:7
"Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation"
II Corinthians 5:18
"He has sent redemption to His people; He has ordained His covenant forever; Holy and awesome is His name." Psalm 111:9
Now be it understood that there is a response on our part to enflame our love and appreciation, praise and adoration, respect and reverence which are engaged as a result. In knowing His initiation and passion for us, can there not be a similar reply in response? Do we not easily love those who love and care for us? Is there anything we would not do for those who sacrifice openly in our defense or for our benefit? I remember a dear brother driving me to a gravel parking lot after midnight in a torrential rainstorm to seek a lost lens to my eyeglasses that I dropped there earlier that day. This brother not only got out of bed, dressed and borrowed a car to do so but upon arrival instructed me to stay in the car while he knelt (on gravel) in four inches of water under a downpour to feel around in the dark until he found my lens. That, my friends is Christ-like love: sacrificial, unmerited and totally engaging. I became his best friend and who would not respond in like manner to such a display of selflessness and sacrifice in one’s favor? Let's Raise the Roof with shouts of praise and thanksgiving for the power of covenant and the charge to share this wonder of God with all men and specifically each other!
"If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself."
II Timothy 2:13 Amen!
"Behold, days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah..." Jeremiah 31:31
"This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood." Luke 22:20
God is a covenant God and we are a covenant people. The Jews and the Gentiles through specific grafting (Romans 11:16-18) are the only people on earth that are in covenant agreement with The King of the Universe, Creator of Heaven and Earth. Covenant is commitment. We cannot walk with God without truly understanding the level of commitment He has toward us! And that is one huge point to understand that our relationship to God is not based on our commitment to Him but rather on His commitment to us. Now before you get your hair in a knot or your feathers all ruffled, let us consider the wonder, amazement and glorious benevolence of our Heavenly Father who always takes the initiative where our relationship to Him is concerned. See Romans 5:8 and I John 4:19.
Historically, we can visit Genesis 8:15 through 9:17 with specific attention to chapter 9, verses 9 and 15. God establishes a covenant with Noah and all living things on the earth. In verse 9 He states that He Himself will establish the covenant. He uses the personal pronoun to emphatically state that He initiates the covenant and redundantly points to Himself. Noah does not make the covenant. God does. In verse 15 God states that the rainbow is there to "remind" Himself of the covenant He has made. It is not there to remind Noah or the inhabitants of the earth to all future generations of His promise. It is there to remind God of His promise and He says it three consecutive times just in case we don't get it the first two times (Genesis 9:15,16,17). God carries the weight of the commitment! Can we understand the magnitude of His passion for us; His love and devotion to His people?
Let us examine another covenant activity of God as found in Genesis 15:9-21 when He makes a covenant with Abram (Abraham). There is a sacrifice of blood and rather than have both parties walk through in covenant swearing the promise to be kept to each other or suffer the same consequence as the animal, God causes a sleep to overcome Abraham and then walks among the pieces of flesh with Himself, with Himself! (Genesis 15:17) What a perfect picture of substitutionary sacrifice (Hebrews 2:17; I John 2:2 and 4:10). God makes the promise to keep the covenant with Himself in place of Abraham knowing we have not the power to do anything apart from Him (John 15:5). God steps up to the plate, offers us, His people, a life of power, promise and provision and swears by Himself to do so in the event we should blow it along the way somehow. There is nothing I can do to earn it or lose it. God does it all. In understanding this we come to realize that our circumstances, however difficult, are not cast upon us by our Heavenly Father. Nor are crushing blows we experience in life a result of some inadequacy on our part to please God. God is absolutely whacko crazy in love with us and that love is not based on what we do or fail to do. The covenant actions prove this. Jesus said, “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) God is a giver. If it smells like stealing, killing and destroying, it is not God but the enemy of our souls who is at work in the free realm in which we presently live.
"I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you." Genesis 17:7
"Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation"
II Corinthians 5:18
"He has sent redemption to His people; He has ordained His covenant forever; Holy and awesome is His name." Psalm 111:9
Now be it understood that there is a response on our part to enflame our love and appreciation, praise and adoration, respect and reverence which are engaged as a result. In knowing His initiation and passion for us, can there not be a similar reply in response? Do we not easily love those who love and care for us? Is there anything we would not do for those who sacrifice openly in our defense or for our benefit? I remember a dear brother driving me to a gravel parking lot after midnight in a torrential rainstorm to seek a lost lens to my eyeglasses that I dropped there earlier that day. This brother not only got out of bed, dressed and borrowed a car to do so but upon arrival instructed me to stay in the car while he knelt (on gravel) in four inches of water under a downpour to feel around in the dark until he found my lens. That, my friends is Christ-like love: sacrificial, unmerited and totally engaging. I became his best friend and who would not respond in like manner to such a display of selflessness and sacrifice in one’s favor? Let's Raise the Roof with shouts of praise and thanksgiving for the power of covenant and the charge to share this wonder of God with all men and specifically each other!
"If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself."
II Timothy 2:13 Amen!
There is Someone Special for Everyone
New Year's Eve, 1994, Miami Brickell Four Seasons. My girlfriend wore a shimmering beaded black cocktail dress that stopped short of tachycardia at both ends and I wore a tuxedo (black of course which would go without stating were it not for the remainder of this story). Her blonde hair was pinned up with several precisely calculated loose curls intentionally dropping to her shoulders inviting the visual caress of their softness. Her black spike heel shoes addressing every curvature of her ankles and inciting a most attractive line about her calves. Everything about her was perfect. Her smile, her hazel eyes and even the way her eyelashes moved upward with a blink just before she slowly turned her head to look at me. I can almost smell her perfume as I recall the glistening curvature of her lips – her hand resting on my arm. The allure numbed the senses. Peripheral vision was lost. This was the place to be.
Besides the sumptuous supply of culinary delights and the appropriate festive dance music filling the ballroom from the live orchestra, the fireworks display over Biscayne Bay could only imitate the sizzle of hope and anticipation in everyone’s heart. The French doors from the ballroom to the outdoor patio were opened allowing guests to mingle among the softly swaying palm trees in the whisper of a breeze on this clear night of 70 degrees. The bay was a sheet of glass ready to fill with the explosions of colored lights about to captivate our senses further. Armani, Chanel and my personal favorite, which I was wearing, Yves Saint Laurent were in great attendance. This was the gala event of the season.
Our attention turned to a young man, perhaps in his late twenties who wore a baby blue polyester tuxedo with dark blue velvet trim and ruffled powder blue shirt also fringed in a darker shade of blue. His oversized bowtie matched the velvet of his lapel perfectly. Almost as girthy were the lenses of his glasses which were wire rimmed only to serve in augmenting the visual of their thickness. How completely out of place he was. As I watched him further, I took note that his handicap went much further than his ability to procure appropriate attire for the times. His exuberance was unrestrained and seemed to be ignited further by the music; his movements jerky and somewhat cumbersome. Yet through what would have made others blush with embarrassment he continued to smile. Then she joined him. A young woman wearing what could only be described as a 1950’s light blue prom dress complete with immense ruffled skirt complimented with innumerable pressed blue satin bows. Her hair was held back on both sides with matching blue ribbons and she also wore thick wire rimmed glasses. I took note that she jumped slightly when she approached her apparent date – a sparkle of glee in her eyes, a smile so broad it almost touched her ears. They joined arm in arm and skipped a beat with delight to be with each other as if their momentary separation only served to anticipate this joyful childlike reunion. They had found each other. The perfect person with whom to share breakfast; watch a movie; cuddle in comfort; hold your hand in distress or illness; tell you your dreams are worth pursuing; create a home - that one person that sees the best in you when others only see the ruffles on your shirt.
I turned to my date and commented, “You see, there is someone for everyone”.
To all single folks out there... don’t lose heart. There is someone just perfect for you, as you are, with whatever issues you have or face. There is someone who wants to be loved by you and receive all the love you have been saving just for them. There IS someone for everyone.
“And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
It's Sunday morning in middle America. Folks have rushed through the sunrise preparing for events that will take place within a few hours or moments depending on the digits set on their alarm clocks. They hurriedly drive across town wondering where they will park their vehicles, which child to drop off in what order, and where to have lunch afterward. All this is done while contemplating the richness of being in the Presence of the Creator of the Universe; the One Who surrendered His life that we might find ours in abundance. We finally enter the main sanctuary and find our seats among the other worhippers. The mind clears, the heart reaches upward and we cooperate and connect in a swelling of melodious and rhythmic offerings cast heavenward in anticipation of an inner trembling; that unique experience when the power that hung the stars gently invades the crevices of our heart and stirs a response. Humility, gratitude, repentance, affection, deep regret, joy inexpressible, unrestrained delight, brimming tears of liquid love or howling laughter of playful tickles, the pendulum of emotions has no limitations to what the Spirit of God can stir in a whirlwind of passionate caresses, soft kisses and gentle whispers. We have experienced God in all these ways. And then there is... the music.
Music is the vehicle of transportation used by every worship leader to carry our souls from the mundane to the eternal, from the temporal to the Solid Rock of faithfulness that never disappoints. Styles, instrumentation, direction of melody lines, chord progressions and the timbre of the vocalists and harmonies selected all contribute to the preparation for God's consuming Presence. Like a table set for a banquet every detail has an effect. Equally potent to these are the lyrics. The words that draw one to reflect on Who God is; His character; His lovingkindness, mercy, compassion and passion for us; His gifts; who we are to Him; the steadfastness of our relationship; and any number of other literary reflections that cause us to see His face as He is, the great I AM ...or perhaps not.
Music is an ethereal vehicle. It is spiritual in nature. It moves into our soul with surgical precision and it carries with it the lyrics our heart and mind has been opened to receive sometimes inconspicuously. Like a syringe piercing a vein with direct flow to our life support system. We are caught up in the moment, in the emotive response to the melodies, harmonies and rhythms and fail to notice that our doctor has mistakenly given us a dose of something to which we are deathly allergic - a lie. And here we are singing along, increasing the dosage with each repetition, with each verse perpetuating the theft of our unity in the Spirit.
John 4:24 reads, "God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." The scriptures are clear that the author of deception is satan. John 8:44 calls satan the father of lies for lies originate in his nature. The pursuit of truth is so significant to life in God that Jesus equated Himself as the embodiment of Truth. Truth is steadfast and immovable, like the Rock upon which we as believers stand. It does not falter. It is faithful, strong and sure. We can depend on it. It should be our ambition therefore to pursue truth at all costs and to be aware the thief comes in the night, in the shadows, hidden from apparent view and sometimes sneaks in to slither on sound waves.
A while ago, I was at a worship service with a most dynamic and powerful worship leader. This beloved brother causes knees to buckle with a simple "check, check" into the mic. This is one seriously anointed worship leader yet we sang a song whose chorus repeatedly exclaims, "He gives and takes away". My spirit locked. The God that I know is a giver, not a taker. John 10:10 says, "The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy. I come that you might have life and have it abundantly." Romans 8:32 says, "He Who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will he not also with Him freely give us all things." John 3:16 says God loved us so much that He gave His very Son. He gave. Does the evidence under the covenant which Jesus fulfilled show otherwise? Is there one example in the New Testament that indicates God takes anything of value from us? Is God a taker? In fact I am reminded of an amazing passage in I Chronicles 29:14 where David asks God, "But who am I and who are my people that we should be able to offer as generously as this? For all things come from You and from Your hand we have given You!" God is a giver! The only things He takes away are sin, death, shame, disease, sorrow, etc... (This particular minister of music, several months later during his once again use of this song, stopped in the middle of worship and precisely clarified this point - thus expressing the true character of God).
Today, our entire congregation with arms outstretched and in deep reverence with great passion sang a chorus in reference to the woman who offered her perfume to anoint the feet of Jesus. Luke 7:37-38 records this beautiful story of repentance and gratitude. Mark 14:3-9 records the same story and Jesus' response of honor for the woman's expressive offering. You see in verse four of that passage, several onlookers questioned why such expensive perfume that could have been sold to feed the poor was "wasted" on Jesus. And here is the chorus, "I'm going to waste it all on you, Lord". And the people sang it over and over and over again.
Would anything be considered a "waste" in honoring or giving unto Jesus or His body. How can we in a spirit of worship sing such things? Beloved, I am not judging the songwriters or worship ministers who promote these messages in their song choices nor am I condoning a religious dissecting of all songs subject to committee reviews. What I am suggesting is that we not be so quick to jump with the popularity of a particular song or artist without first considering the biblical tenets of the words we are about to promote in worship.
Alright, let's consider that man looks on the outside and God looks at the heart. I most assuredly agree that every member of that congregation was sincere in their reverence of God at that moment. God sees beyond the words, after all, He invented language and our capacity to think and communicate. He cared about their surrender. In that surrender was real beauty and the true offering of the moment. But none the less, the lyrics were not complimentary.
I searched through scriptures in my mind to justify this specific occurence and recalled Philippians 3:7-8, "But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss, (waste) for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for Whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but rubbish (waste) so that I may gain Christ."
Beloved, without the need for justification, let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds by selecting, sharing, writing and singing songs whose lyrics speak truth and light and love and life!
"Life and Death are in the power of the tongue." Proverbs 18:21a
May Blessings be the Song of the Day!
Music is the vehicle of transportation used by every worship leader to carry our souls from the mundane to the eternal, from the temporal to the Solid Rock of faithfulness that never disappoints. Styles, instrumentation, direction of melody lines, chord progressions and the timbre of the vocalists and harmonies selected all contribute to the preparation for God's consuming Presence. Like a table set for a banquet every detail has an effect. Equally potent to these are the lyrics. The words that draw one to reflect on Who God is; His character; His lovingkindness, mercy, compassion and passion for us; His gifts; who we are to Him; the steadfastness of our relationship; and any number of other literary reflections that cause us to see His face as He is, the great I AM ...or perhaps not.
Music is an ethereal vehicle. It is spiritual in nature. It moves into our soul with surgical precision and it carries with it the lyrics our heart and mind has been opened to receive sometimes inconspicuously. Like a syringe piercing a vein with direct flow to our life support system. We are caught up in the moment, in the emotive response to the melodies, harmonies and rhythms and fail to notice that our doctor has mistakenly given us a dose of something to which we are deathly allergic - a lie. And here we are singing along, increasing the dosage with each repetition, with each verse perpetuating the theft of our unity in the Spirit.
John 4:24 reads, "God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." The scriptures are clear that the author of deception is satan. John 8:44 calls satan the father of lies for lies originate in his nature. The pursuit of truth is so significant to life in God that Jesus equated Himself as the embodiment of Truth. Truth is steadfast and immovable, like the Rock upon which we as believers stand. It does not falter. It is faithful, strong and sure. We can depend on it. It should be our ambition therefore to pursue truth at all costs and to be aware the thief comes in the night, in the shadows, hidden from apparent view and sometimes sneaks in to slither on sound waves.
A while ago, I was at a worship service with a most dynamic and powerful worship leader. This beloved brother causes knees to buckle with a simple "check, check" into the mic. This is one seriously anointed worship leader yet we sang a song whose chorus repeatedly exclaims, "He gives and takes away". My spirit locked. The God that I know is a giver, not a taker. John 10:10 says, "The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy. I come that you might have life and have it abundantly." Romans 8:32 says, "He Who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will he not also with Him freely give us all things." John 3:16 says God loved us so much that He gave His very Son. He gave. Does the evidence under the covenant which Jesus fulfilled show otherwise? Is there one example in the New Testament that indicates God takes anything of value from us? Is God a taker? In fact I am reminded of an amazing passage in I Chronicles 29:14 where David asks God, "But who am I and who are my people that we should be able to offer as generously as this? For all things come from You and from Your hand we have given You!" God is a giver! The only things He takes away are sin, death, shame, disease, sorrow, etc... (This particular minister of music, several months later during his once again use of this song, stopped in the middle of worship and precisely clarified this point - thus expressing the true character of God).
Today, our entire congregation with arms outstretched and in deep reverence with great passion sang a chorus in reference to the woman who offered her perfume to anoint the feet of Jesus. Luke 7:37-38 records this beautiful story of repentance and gratitude. Mark 14:3-9 records the same story and Jesus' response of honor for the woman's expressive offering. You see in verse four of that passage, several onlookers questioned why such expensive perfume that could have been sold to feed the poor was "wasted" on Jesus. And here is the chorus, "I'm going to waste it all on you, Lord". And the people sang it over and over and over again.
Would anything be considered a "waste" in honoring or giving unto Jesus or His body. How can we in a spirit of worship sing such things? Beloved, I am not judging the songwriters or worship ministers who promote these messages in their song choices nor am I condoning a religious dissecting of all songs subject to committee reviews. What I am suggesting is that we not be so quick to jump with the popularity of a particular song or artist without first considering the biblical tenets of the words we are about to promote in worship.
Alright, let's consider that man looks on the outside and God looks at the heart. I most assuredly agree that every member of that congregation was sincere in their reverence of God at that moment. God sees beyond the words, after all, He invented language and our capacity to think and communicate. He cared about their surrender. In that surrender was real beauty and the true offering of the moment. But none the less, the lyrics were not complimentary.
I searched through scriptures in my mind to justify this specific occurence and recalled Philippians 3:7-8, "But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss, (waste) for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for Whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but rubbish (waste) so that I may gain Christ."
Beloved, without the need for justification, let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds by selecting, sharing, writing and singing songs whose lyrics speak truth and light and love and life!
"Life and Death are in the power of the tongue." Proverbs 18:21a
May Blessings be the Song of the Day!
~ Awakening Assurance and Adoration
There I stood at the side of my bed, dazed and disoriented, the sound of my heart pounding a pulsating beat in my chest, a flesh timpani reverberating in my ear drums. I searched in this bewildering race to grab any semblance of logical thought that might traverse the haze - until my senses returned to a soft “why”. No alarm had sounded. In fact, there was a perfect stillness and peace in the night, a somewhat beguiling quiet, a tranquil calm.
But I had just violently thrown the covers off my person and jumped to the side of my bed where I now literally stood at attention as if ready to receive the commands of a military officer. All this occurred in mere seconds. I now stood alert as my powers of reason began to focus and were called to arms. I turn to God. “I am here”.
I am here, but why? Enter logic. Perhaps I need to visit the restroom. I move somewhat routinely but slowly around the foot of my bed in an attempt to make my way to the bathroom door as I take physical inventory. I stop. No. There is no need to go to the restroom. Natural forces are not calling on this one. And there it is.
I lift my head ever so slowly and my eyes are instantly fixated on the clock at the edge of the dresser just next to the bathroom door, its numbers a beacon, bright and beaming, an assault on the darkness. 3:33. And God speaks…
“Fear not in these troubled times. I am here. I am calling all things in your life to order. I am bringing alignment of your life to my purposes and this will be a reminder to you, a sign of my faithfulness, my sure involvement in the orchestrations of your life, and a motivational and confirming assurance to press on in times of doubt. You are not alone.” My shoulders relax as a sigh is released and the constricting pressure vanishes from my torso in an invisible breath. “Do not let your heart be troubled. Draw nearer and press on for I am here. I am with you. You are not alone. You are not abandoned. Fear not. I am not ignorant of your circumstances. I am with you.”
The years have passed quickly and these moments of affectionate reminders have punctuated my weeks with irregular regularity offering hope and the promise of what lies just around the corner. In an unexpected instant, where the eventuallys are released to birth and give powerful substance to our present realities, faith would have its payoff. I take a snapshot of my bare foot stepping out of the River Jordan and onto the sandy shore of the Land of Canaan - a time yet to be but so real all my senses revel in it. These repeating digits have become my familiar friend throughout the years for they speak of a very personal God who is faithful beyond measure and who takes interest in every aspect of my life and concerns.
I am a REALTOR® by profession and several months ago I went with a friend to prepare a property for showing. A potential buyer from New York City was flying in to see it in person and we wanted their visit to be perfect. Despite the amazing attributes of this particular estate, it has not sold in 6 months. It is owned by a non-profit ministry that considers its sale a means to facilitate what God has called them to accomplish much more expediently by taking advantage of other options presently available to them.
We turned on all the lights revealing the resort style décor of overstuffed leather chairs and modern impressionistic oil paintings of flowering fields and lavish landscapes; opened the wood blinds to bring in the budding of nature’s light on this particularly refreshing blue-sky day; lit candles to add warmth; sprayed whispers of apple cinnamon air freshener to create that “home for the holidays” feeling and set the CD player to offer softly emotive instrumental music in the background. We invite the power of the Holy Spirit to create a truly inspirational welcoming atmosphere. All said and done, we were so happy to be in this wonderful place but I was concerned. I know what is at stake. This property has to sell soon. Several truly great projects are on hold until this property sells. Thousands of children are in the balance as are families that are hurting without healing or knowledge of God’s redemptive power. This property just has to sell soon. My heart began to feel heavy as I pulled some dried leaves from an overgrown kitchen plant… and there it was…
I looked up and noticed the microwave read 5:55. I immediately called to my friend who was in the living room as I made my way to the master bedroom suite to quickly light a candle there, “The microwave says 5:55! The microwave says 5:55!” That is so Jesus! In the midst of my concerns, just at the right moment, He reminds me that He is in this thing with me. My friend yells back, “Alex, the number five is the number of grace! God’s grace is all over this!” My friend knows the 3:33 story, my frequent sightings of numbers in repetition and the need for us to sell this property to help advance God’s kingdom. She was there to witness the miracle.
I was so encouraged. But before I could respond with gratitude for her participation in my present infusion of faith, I began to shout and laugh with great rejoicing. As I entered the master bedroom, the alarm clock on the night stand was blinking 11:11. This was just too much for me to contain. I exploded with delight at God’s timely reminder of His ever present faithfulness, kindness, compassion, mercy, goodness and covenant to never leave us nor forsake us. Despite whatever circumstance we are in, He is always there as a Father, Friend and Hero to protect and defend and provide for us. Always.
God has communicated so much of His faithfulness to me throughout the years that I now consider these numbers with great soberness.
01. Unity, whole, complete, eternity, harmony, God's omnipotence
02. Covenant - God plus another, division in illustrating difference
03. Divine perfection, fullness of time (past, present, future)
04. Creation or creative works, earth, cycles of nature
05. Grace, redemption, restoration, healing, Holy Spirit baptism
06. Man or mankind, soulish, vanity, impersonation, deceptiveness
07. Spiritual perfection, God’s seal of authenticity, Holy Spirit
08. Newness, regeneration, resurrection, infilling of the Holy Spirit
09. Conclusion, end of man’s work, finality, judgment
10. Perfection of Divine order or arrangement, sum of humanity
11. Revelation, abundance, more than required, generosity, devotion
12. God’s governmental perfection, ruling, the Church, faith walk
Ok, so let me share with you the latest…
This morning my eyes snapped open and recognizing the immediate alertness of the moment I quickly glanced at the clock to see it read 8:28. Now beloved, I can guess what each of you might be thinking… oh, that is a reference to Romans 8:28. After all, how very appropriate for God to remind you that, “All things work together for good to those who are called according to His purposes in Christ Jesus”. Yes, that is true. Yes, that is encouraging. Yes, that is a typical, often quoted verse in times of trouble or sorrow. I am not making light of it for the Word (Scripture) is the Word (timely message) is the Word (Jesus incarnate)! But let me share with you what God spoke to me in those familiar numbers this morning…
“Beloved, in the midst of this present storm, I have covenant with you (number 2) to surround you with newness of life (number 8). New things are about to manifest in and through your life as you are surrounded by freshness under the terms of my covenant of faithfulness to you.” Woohoo! What a great way to wake up and face the day that lies ahead. One day at a time.
As I write this I am aware I have become more trusting. These frequent injections of faith remind me in the worst of moments that God is with me. I have begun to read and study the life of Joseph again. In the dungeons of our dark places God is still with us. God is still on His throne. God is still for us. God remains faithful. What matters is not what I see or hear or feel. What matters is what God says is real. What His word defines or His Holy Spirit reveals even in the digits of a clock.
Beloved, Be Blessed!
P.S. And this I know: God has always been faithful. He has always come through. He has promised that His own will not be found begging for bread. He has promised provision and protection. He has sealed us with His blood and His Holy Spirit of Promise. His love and mercy have no limits, no boundaries and no restraints. He is for us. He is passionate. He is truth. He is a bankable commodity in times of global financial upheaval for He is ever sure, stable and solid. His character does not change. He is the Great I AM. Stay tuned!
Numbers 23:19
“God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent. Has He said and will He not do it? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good?”
But I had just violently thrown the covers off my person and jumped to the side of my bed where I now literally stood at attention as if ready to receive the commands of a military officer. All this occurred in mere seconds. I now stood alert as my powers of reason began to focus and were called to arms. I turn to God. “I am here”.
I am here, but why? Enter logic. Perhaps I need to visit the restroom. I move somewhat routinely but slowly around the foot of my bed in an attempt to make my way to the bathroom door as I take physical inventory. I stop. No. There is no need to go to the restroom. Natural forces are not calling on this one. And there it is.
I lift my head ever so slowly and my eyes are instantly fixated on the clock at the edge of the dresser just next to the bathroom door, its numbers a beacon, bright and beaming, an assault on the darkness. 3:33. And God speaks…
“Fear not in these troubled times. I am here. I am calling all things in your life to order. I am bringing alignment of your life to my purposes and this will be a reminder to you, a sign of my faithfulness, my sure involvement in the orchestrations of your life, and a motivational and confirming assurance to press on in times of doubt. You are not alone.” My shoulders relax as a sigh is released and the constricting pressure vanishes from my torso in an invisible breath. “Do not let your heart be troubled. Draw nearer and press on for I am here. I am with you. You are not alone. You are not abandoned. Fear not. I am not ignorant of your circumstances. I am with you.”
The years have passed quickly and these moments of affectionate reminders have punctuated my weeks with irregular regularity offering hope and the promise of what lies just around the corner. In an unexpected instant, where the eventuallys are released to birth and give powerful substance to our present realities, faith would have its payoff. I take a snapshot of my bare foot stepping out of the River Jordan and onto the sandy shore of the Land of Canaan - a time yet to be but so real all my senses revel in it. These repeating digits have become my familiar friend throughout the years for they speak of a very personal God who is faithful beyond measure and who takes interest in every aspect of my life and concerns.
I am a REALTOR® by profession and several months ago I went with a friend to prepare a property for showing. A potential buyer from New York City was flying in to see it in person and we wanted their visit to be perfect. Despite the amazing attributes of this particular estate, it has not sold in 6 months. It is owned by a non-profit ministry that considers its sale a means to facilitate what God has called them to accomplish much more expediently by taking advantage of other options presently available to them.
We turned on all the lights revealing the resort style décor of overstuffed leather chairs and modern impressionistic oil paintings of flowering fields and lavish landscapes; opened the wood blinds to bring in the budding of nature’s light on this particularly refreshing blue-sky day; lit candles to add warmth; sprayed whispers of apple cinnamon air freshener to create that “home for the holidays” feeling and set the CD player to offer softly emotive instrumental music in the background. We invite the power of the Holy Spirit to create a truly inspirational welcoming atmosphere. All said and done, we were so happy to be in this wonderful place but I was concerned. I know what is at stake. This property has to sell soon. Several truly great projects are on hold until this property sells. Thousands of children are in the balance as are families that are hurting without healing or knowledge of God’s redemptive power. This property just has to sell soon. My heart began to feel heavy as I pulled some dried leaves from an overgrown kitchen plant… and there it was…
I looked up and noticed the microwave read 5:55. I immediately called to my friend who was in the living room as I made my way to the master bedroom suite to quickly light a candle there, “The microwave says 5:55! The microwave says 5:55!” That is so Jesus! In the midst of my concerns, just at the right moment, He reminds me that He is in this thing with me. My friend yells back, “Alex, the number five is the number of grace! God’s grace is all over this!” My friend knows the 3:33 story, my frequent sightings of numbers in repetition and the need for us to sell this property to help advance God’s kingdom. She was there to witness the miracle.
I was so encouraged. But before I could respond with gratitude for her participation in my present infusion of faith, I began to shout and laugh with great rejoicing. As I entered the master bedroom, the alarm clock on the night stand was blinking 11:11. This was just too much for me to contain. I exploded with delight at God’s timely reminder of His ever present faithfulness, kindness, compassion, mercy, goodness and covenant to never leave us nor forsake us. Despite whatever circumstance we are in, He is always there as a Father, Friend and Hero to protect and defend and provide for us. Always.
God has communicated so much of His faithfulness to me throughout the years that I now consider these numbers with great soberness.
01. Unity, whole, complete, eternity, harmony, God's omnipotence
02. Covenant - God plus another, division in illustrating difference
03. Divine perfection, fullness of time (past, present, future)
04. Creation or creative works, earth, cycles of nature
05. Grace, redemption, restoration, healing, Holy Spirit baptism
06. Man or mankind, soulish, vanity, impersonation, deceptiveness
07. Spiritual perfection, God’s seal of authenticity, Holy Spirit
08. Newness, regeneration, resurrection, infilling of the Holy Spirit
09. Conclusion, end of man’s work, finality, judgment
10. Perfection of Divine order or arrangement, sum of humanity
11. Revelation, abundance, more than required, generosity, devotion
12. God’s governmental perfection, ruling, the Church, faith walk
Ok, so let me share with you the latest…
This morning my eyes snapped open and recognizing the immediate alertness of the moment I quickly glanced at the clock to see it read 8:28. Now beloved, I can guess what each of you might be thinking… oh, that is a reference to Romans 8:28. After all, how very appropriate for God to remind you that, “All things work together for good to those who are called according to His purposes in Christ Jesus”. Yes, that is true. Yes, that is encouraging. Yes, that is a typical, often quoted verse in times of trouble or sorrow. I am not making light of it for the Word (Scripture) is the Word (timely message) is the Word (Jesus incarnate)! But let me share with you what God spoke to me in those familiar numbers this morning…
“Beloved, in the midst of this present storm, I have covenant with you (number 2) to surround you with newness of life (number 8). New things are about to manifest in and through your life as you are surrounded by freshness under the terms of my covenant of faithfulness to you.” Woohoo! What a great way to wake up and face the day that lies ahead. One day at a time.
As I write this I am aware I have become more trusting. These frequent injections of faith remind me in the worst of moments that God is with me. I have begun to read and study the life of Joseph again. In the dungeons of our dark places God is still with us. God is still on His throne. God is still for us. God remains faithful. What matters is not what I see or hear or feel. What matters is what God says is real. What His word defines or His Holy Spirit reveals even in the digits of a clock.
Beloved, Be Blessed!
P.S. And this I know: God has always been faithful. He has always come through. He has promised that His own will not be found begging for bread. He has promised provision and protection. He has sealed us with His blood and His Holy Spirit of Promise. His love and mercy have no limits, no boundaries and no restraints. He is for us. He is passionate. He is truth. He is a bankable commodity in times of global financial upheaval for He is ever sure, stable and solid. His character does not change. He is the Great I AM. Stay tuned!
Numbers 23:19
“God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent. Has He said and will He not do it? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good?”
Introduction from Upcoming Book
Throughout many years of professionally restructuring corporations as a consultant and while serving in various leadership positions in many others both for profit as well as in the non-profit sector I have come to note one common denominator of demise and decay that affects all entities where growth, profit, funding, acquisition of greater market share, name recognition, staffing, quantitative and qualitative customer base or morale has reached a maximum plateau or has begun a journey of relentless descent. But before we enter into conditions which will clearly expose this internal piranha, let me share briefly that this condition is not limited to those entities which are doing poorly. It hides well and also appears and lives and thrives in organizations that are flourishing. I have witnessed its existence alongside what appears to be healthy increase but in fact the apparent perceived success only serves to elusively shadow the same viral destructive animal feeding in the basement.
New product lines or marketing concepts, added revenue streams and increased numbers do not hide the fact that the organization is dying or suffers from exposure and nurturing of the same self contained member whose appetite is ravenous. Consider the options and opportunities which could lie ahead for a potentially dynamic organization which removed its boundaries safely, with minimal if any risk, and exposed itself to generating and perpetuating a truly healthy expansion? Though this book seeks to identify and remove the greatest contributor to destructive forces upon any organization, in so doing, it also serves to alert others to the seeds of villainy germinating in corridors of successful beacons of business.
As my grid of personal study stems from work conducted in corporate America within many trades and industries as well as non-profits and churches with a Christian moniker, my illustrations will be of those experiences. I will use the Bible and Biblical stories to illustrate points both in the narrative and for the purpose of pursuing excellence as defined therein. Where I use a Biblical reference, I will attempt to follow with a practical business principle, analogy or experience to illustrate its inclusion.
Our country, the United States of America, was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. This book seeks to emulate Judeo-Christian values in practical insights and references to modern day actual and honorable business practice and principles which should serve to isolate hindrances to profitability or promotion within any organization as one learns to lead wisely and passionately; to build creatively and responsibly; to reach limitless boundaries in dreams and find that the journey thus lived has brought one so much farther than one ever could have imagined with greater ease, true integrity and genuine victories that contribute to the welfare of the human experience.
Excerpt from: Leadership In The Shadows of Tyranny: Understanding Leadership as an Equipping Function Marked by Selflessness
Ephesians 4:11-13
And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.
New product lines or marketing concepts, added revenue streams and increased numbers do not hide the fact that the organization is dying or suffers from exposure and nurturing of the same self contained member whose appetite is ravenous. Consider the options and opportunities which could lie ahead for a potentially dynamic organization which removed its boundaries safely, with minimal if any risk, and exposed itself to generating and perpetuating a truly healthy expansion? Though this book seeks to identify and remove the greatest contributor to destructive forces upon any organization, in so doing, it also serves to alert others to the seeds of villainy germinating in corridors of successful beacons of business.
As my grid of personal study stems from work conducted in corporate America within many trades and industries as well as non-profits and churches with a Christian moniker, my illustrations will be of those experiences. I will use the Bible and Biblical stories to illustrate points both in the narrative and for the purpose of pursuing excellence as defined therein. Where I use a Biblical reference, I will attempt to follow with a practical business principle, analogy or experience to illustrate its inclusion.
Our country, the United States of America, was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. This book seeks to emulate Judeo-Christian values in practical insights and references to modern day actual and honorable business practice and principles which should serve to isolate hindrances to profitability or promotion within any organization as one learns to lead wisely and passionately; to build creatively and responsibly; to reach limitless boundaries in dreams and find that the journey thus lived has brought one so much farther than one ever could have imagined with greater ease, true integrity and genuine victories that contribute to the welfare of the human experience.
Excerpt from: Leadership In The Shadows of Tyranny: Understanding Leadership as an Equipping Function Marked by Selflessness
Ephesians 4:11-13
And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.
Beyond Shadow of Doubt
“Daddy, do you believe God answers when you pray”, Danny asks, his little fingers are still cradled in your hands. Your knees cushioned from the hardwood floor by his “blankey” which at other times protects his little body when he trips, tumbles, falls or even upon which he occasionally naps. The smell of shampoo is still fresh on his silky light brown hair. His baby blue flannel pajamas with pictures of his very favorite cartoon character are a gentle warm from the dryer. You always put them in the dryer just a couple of minutes before you finish his bath so he will feel the warm comfortable softness of them.
In the corner of the room, little ducks in blue sailor suits dance on the wall reflected from his revolving lamp, their figures enlarging as they move away from the source of light and disappear into the soft glow of the room. He looks doe-eyed at the one upon whom he trusts to paint an accurate picture of his heavenly Father. His eye lashes snap once, twice, like a photographer capturing an image for posterity – his life and his heart hang on your response. You hold him so closely, so tenderly, as you contemplate his question and consider your perceptions, experiences, and ultimate response.
Prayer is so simple yet so complex. The issues of life are brought within earshot of a Being with Whom we are suppose to commune so intimately. The relationship we hold, whether actual or illusionary, becomes the foundation of our communion and furthermore the impetus, the condition upon which we can acquire assurance to the fulfillment of our petitions. The relationship is actual because we are His and He is ours. The bond between Father and child can not be broken under any circumstance, ever. It is not based on our feelings, our particular situation, our activities, our goals, our behavior, our worth or our image of lack thereof. It is illusionary because we wrestle. We struggle with belief, with confidence, with permission, with reluctance, with our very concept of Him Who would put our flannel pajamas in the dryer to make our evening slumber that much sweeter. Prayer begins with our concept of Who God “is”!
Excerpt from an Upcoming Book:
"Anticipating Assurance in Answered Prayer - Beyond Shadow of Doubt"
In the corner of the room, little ducks in blue sailor suits dance on the wall reflected from his revolving lamp, their figures enlarging as they move away from the source of light and disappear into the soft glow of the room. He looks doe-eyed at the one upon whom he trusts to paint an accurate picture of his heavenly Father. His eye lashes snap once, twice, like a photographer capturing an image for posterity – his life and his heart hang on your response. You hold him so closely, so tenderly, as you contemplate his question and consider your perceptions, experiences, and ultimate response.
Prayer is so simple yet so complex. The issues of life are brought within earshot of a Being with Whom we are suppose to commune so intimately. The relationship we hold, whether actual or illusionary, becomes the foundation of our communion and furthermore the impetus, the condition upon which we can acquire assurance to the fulfillment of our petitions. The relationship is actual because we are His and He is ours. The bond between Father and child can not be broken under any circumstance, ever. It is not based on our feelings, our particular situation, our activities, our goals, our behavior, our worth or our image of lack thereof. It is illusionary because we wrestle. We struggle with belief, with confidence, with permission, with reluctance, with our very concept of Him Who would put our flannel pajamas in the dryer to make our evening slumber that much sweeter. Prayer begins with our concept of Who God “is”!
Excerpt from an Upcoming Book:
"Anticipating Assurance in Answered Prayer - Beyond Shadow of Doubt"
Beloved Brethren - It is an amazing thing to experience the Fire of God upon you ... And as astoundingly awe inspiring and humbling an experience to be touched by The Living God to that degree, it is just a shadow of the glory (the all-encompassing power, authority, wisdom, beauty and giftings) that we possess and have access to in Jesus. Great thanks go out to my family and friends who through the years have pointed the way to bring me to His feet. I am nothing without Jesus. If I breathe without Him there is no life, only a faint vapor of what could have been for He alone is breath, awakening, light, joy, strength, understanding, all. Whoa! To be completely undone by so great a love as His. This is life!
The Fire of God is Available to All Under Water!
The Fire of God is Available to All Under Water!
... Beating the Hum-Drum Routine Lifestyle
I was sitting with a dear friend recently who asked me over some all-you-can-eat pizza what I did when I was bored. I thought about it for a moment and then answered honestly that I am rarely bored as God offers incredible opportunity for activity in my life. That thought had never really occurred to me. I did confess that at times I felt "routine" would become a slight annoyance to my emotional well-being, my life was in a pattern from which I rarely emerged. I needed refreshment... It is at these times that I have felt "bored".
As I began to recount my stories, I noted that it was precisely at these times in my life that I searched out for things that would bring me pleasure, open my mind to new and different experiences and hunted for the very thing that would break my "routine". As a result of this boredom, I have written songs that made 1600 people dance and cry out "sing it again", oil painted in a picturesque valley to have my teacher request I share my technique with her class and afterward been photographed with each student and my new creation, learned how to dance salsa and asked to teach at a club ten lessons later, bought golf clubs and on my third time on the driving range broke 250 yards down the center, learned how to ride a motorcycle from a miami beach police officer, photographed national parks, studied tiling in hundred year old churches, and took a jeep jungle tour through the Venezuelan savanna.
Two things to consider: Would I have done any of those things without the nudge of boredom? Would I have discovered that in Christ I "can" do all things if I had not attempted to try something different?
I guess I would like to leave you with this thought... God is out to bless your life beyond what you can ask or imagine. Let the boredom that is engineered in us be the alarm clock God planted in creating us to explore beyond ourselves... take a chance... you may find that life is an amazing adventure and so much more when we walk it with God!
Blessings to you!
As I began to recount my stories, I noted that it was precisely at these times in my life that I searched out for things that would bring me pleasure, open my mind to new and different experiences and hunted for the very thing that would break my "routine". As a result of this boredom, I have written songs that made 1600 people dance and cry out "sing it again", oil painted in a picturesque valley to have my teacher request I share my technique with her class and afterward been photographed with each student and my new creation, learned how to dance salsa and asked to teach at a club ten lessons later, bought golf clubs and on my third time on the driving range broke 250 yards down the center, learned how to ride a motorcycle from a miami beach police officer, photographed national parks, studied tiling in hundred year old churches, and took a jeep jungle tour through the Venezuelan savanna.
Two things to consider: Would I have done any of those things without the nudge of boredom? Would I have discovered that in Christ I "can" do all things if I had not attempted to try something different?
I guess I would like to leave you with this thought... God is out to bless your life beyond what you can ask or imagine. Let the boredom that is engineered in us be the alarm clock God planted in creating us to explore beyond ourselves... take a chance... you may find that life is an amazing adventure and so much more when we walk it with God!
Blessings to you!
... Elementary Principles of Body Life
Beloved Brethren,
The other day I was having lunch with a friend who informed me he had survived a heart attack while on tour in a distant city. This amazing brother shared how he had been dead for a while then revived and recalled being very calm throughout the ordeal, letting the nurses and attending physicians know not to worry or be alarmed at his condition. (If it were not for the seriousness of the subject matter, I would be tempted to share something like, "ignorance is bliss".) The reality is that this man knows God. He knows that his life is secure and that what awaits him is an eternity in the presence of the One who woos his heart and stirs his soul.
Continuing the conversation, he candidly shared that what he experienced was not the typical white light in the distance we so often hear about but rather a keen awareness of oneness with Christ. At an instant he was aware of abiding presence with not only Jesus but each other. It is as if we were all one being, one consciousness, one person. There was no shame. We knew all about each other and there was no judgment, only peace and beyond acceptance, an embracing, a welcoming of each other as family. We were (are) all one.
I pondered this testimony and verses bounced in my head... my spirit finding truth and an awakened agreement with God's Father heart.
1 Corinthians 12:12
For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ
1 Corinthians 12:13
For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit
Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus
Ephesians 4:4
There is one body and one Spirit
My friend pondered a question out loud, "If we only knew what it was like, we would be so much more inclined to be kind to each other on earth." I thought further and asked, "If we really understood the concept of being 'one' in Jesus, we would not even argue with each other for we would be arguing with ourselves". Now there is a thought. What would happen if we treated each other, not as we would like to be treated, but rather in actuality, knowing each other is just another part of ourselves, treating each other as we would treat ourselves - an even higher calling. What level of respect, honor, kindness and forgiveness would we offer each other if it were to ourselves? What phenomenal relationships we would all have!
Romans 12:10
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor
John 13:35
By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another
Blessings to you all.
The other day I was having lunch with a friend who informed me he had survived a heart attack while on tour in a distant city. This amazing brother shared how he had been dead for a while then revived and recalled being very calm throughout the ordeal, letting the nurses and attending physicians know not to worry or be alarmed at his condition. (If it were not for the seriousness of the subject matter, I would be tempted to share something like, "ignorance is bliss".) The reality is that this man knows God. He knows that his life is secure and that what awaits him is an eternity in the presence of the One who woos his heart and stirs his soul.
Continuing the conversation, he candidly shared that what he experienced was not the typical white light in the distance we so often hear about but rather a keen awareness of oneness with Christ. At an instant he was aware of abiding presence with not only Jesus but each other. It is as if we were all one being, one consciousness, one person. There was no shame. We knew all about each other and there was no judgment, only peace and beyond acceptance, an embracing, a welcoming of each other as family. We were (are) all one.
I pondered this testimony and verses bounced in my head... my spirit finding truth and an awakened agreement with God's Father heart.
1 Corinthians 12:12
For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ
1 Corinthians 12:13
For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit
Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus
Ephesians 4:4
There is one body and one Spirit
My friend pondered a question out loud, "If we only knew what it was like, we would be so much more inclined to be kind to each other on earth." I thought further and asked, "If we really understood the concept of being 'one' in Jesus, we would not even argue with each other for we would be arguing with ourselves". Now there is a thought. What would happen if we treated each other, not as we would like to be treated, but rather in actuality, knowing each other is just another part of ourselves, treating each other as we would treat ourselves - an even higher calling. What level of respect, honor, kindness and forgiveness would we offer each other if it were to ourselves? What phenomenal relationships we would all have!
Romans 12:10
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor
John 13:35
By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another
Blessings to you all.
Beloved -
I read on a small country church billboard in Fairview, New Jersey, the following: "A Christian is not much good until he has been put through some hot water!"
"For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ." II Corinthians 1:5
"But to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory, you may rejoice with exultation." I Peter 4:13
"Consider it all joy my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." James 1:2-4
When we think of this suffering, we consider a cross, a burden to bear. Perhaps being ridiculed for our faith or being ostracized by a community. We think of past martyrs or of Christians on the mission field who daily face life and death situations. Let's face it, what kind of suffering for Jesus do we experience in our daily lives? What courageous and valiant action do we take for the gospel that would merit the attention and regard of the heavenly hosts?
Let us consider a marriage on the rocks, the unjust loss of employment, the passing of a dearly loved little one, a son on drugs, a mortgage foreclosure, a brother's betrayal, a parent's abandonment? All of these rip our hearts, tear our lives into pieces and cause us to ask why? Where is the Father's love? Where is God's power for His children? The pain swells deep within ...
Jesus: "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me..." Matthew 26:39 (reluctance, hesitancy to obey, frailty, lack of courage, fear of pain - and for those who are wondering how I can say that Jesus felt fear of pain, let's consider Hebrews 4:15 which reads: "For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin); "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" Mark 15:34 (abandonment, lack of understanding, loneliness, heartbreak)
And here is the incomparable sweetness... in our sufferings at whatever degree, we gain empathy to His. We come close yet not to the extent He did, no matter how grievous our loss, though, it might feel like death is the only means of ending our emotional torment at the time ... we can come close to the heartbreak, the pain, the loss, the uncertainty, the fear, the desperation of His sufferings ...
We are allowed the privilege of becoming more like Jesus; of understanding His heart; His passion; His loss; His pain; His insecurity; and in so doing reveal His utter and complete commitment to us. This grants us revelation to His love of the Father thus releasing in us the understanding and experience of His security, His strength, His faithfulness; His compassion and mercy and goodness and kindness and selflessness. We can acquire and manifest all these hereditary character traits through suffering. We can become so close to Him that the breath of the Father is felt on our necks when He embraces us firmly and holds us tenderly - safely! What would we not offer to be in those arms? We look back on our travels and despite our past mourning, we can know joy; where ashes, now beauty; the garment of praise and thankfulness in exhange for a spirit of heaviness! Isaiah 61:3
We can intimately know God! Intimately! Know! God!
I heard it said that one should never trust a man without a limp. That limp is the suffering that grounds the man, gives him his place, focuses his attention, and clears the path for amazing dependence on Him Who holds the universe in His hands and Whose heart is freely given for our love and benefit. We are humbled. We become like Jesus!
Whatever we are going through at the moment... especially those of us who have been called to Nashville without a clue:
"He who began a good work in you will perfect it..." Philippians 1:6
"You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11
"For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable" Romans 11:29
"And God is able to make all grace abound to you..."
II Corinthians 9:8
"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts.. and be thankful."
Colossians 3:15
"But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. And may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ." II Thessalonians 3:3,5.
The Incomparable Sweetness of Suffering!
I read on a small country church billboard in Fairview, New Jersey, the following: "A Christian is not much good until he has been put through some hot water!"
"For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ." II Corinthians 1:5
"But to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory, you may rejoice with exultation." I Peter 4:13
"Consider it all joy my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." James 1:2-4
When we think of this suffering, we consider a cross, a burden to bear. Perhaps being ridiculed for our faith or being ostracized by a community. We think of past martyrs or of Christians on the mission field who daily face life and death situations. Let's face it, what kind of suffering for Jesus do we experience in our daily lives? What courageous and valiant action do we take for the gospel that would merit the attention and regard of the heavenly hosts?
Let us consider a marriage on the rocks, the unjust loss of employment, the passing of a dearly loved little one, a son on drugs, a mortgage foreclosure, a brother's betrayal, a parent's abandonment? All of these rip our hearts, tear our lives into pieces and cause us to ask why? Where is the Father's love? Where is God's power for His children? The pain swells deep within ...
Jesus: "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me..." Matthew 26:39 (reluctance, hesitancy to obey, frailty, lack of courage, fear of pain - and for those who are wondering how I can say that Jesus felt fear of pain, let's consider Hebrews 4:15 which reads: "For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin); "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" Mark 15:34 (abandonment, lack of understanding, loneliness, heartbreak)
And here is the incomparable sweetness... in our sufferings at whatever degree, we gain empathy to His. We come close yet not to the extent He did, no matter how grievous our loss, though, it might feel like death is the only means of ending our emotional torment at the time ... we can come close to the heartbreak, the pain, the loss, the uncertainty, the fear, the desperation of His sufferings ...
We are allowed the privilege of becoming more like Jesus; of understanding His heart; His passion; His loss; His pain; His insecurity; and in so doing reveal His utter and complete commitment to us. This grants us revelation to His love of the Father thus releasing in us the understanding and experience of His security, His strength, His faithfulness; His compassion and mercy and goodness and kindness and selflessness. We can acquire and manifest all these hereditary character traits through suffering. We can become so close to Him that the breath of the Father is felt on our necks when He embraces us firmly and holds us tenderly - safely! What would we not offer to be in those arms? We look back on our travels and despite our past mourning, we can know joy; where ashes, now beauty; the garment of praise and thankfulness in exhange for a spirit of heaviness! Isaiah 61:3
We can intimately know God! Intimately! Know! God!
I heard it said that one should never trust a man without a limp. That limp is the suffering that grounds the man, gives him his place, focuses his attention, and clears the path for amazing dependence on Him Who holds the universe in His hands and Whose heart is freely given for our love and benefit. We are humbled. We become like Jesus!
Whatever we are going through at the moment... especially those of us who have been called to Nashville without a clue:
"He who began a good work in you will perfect it..." Philippians 1:6
"You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11
"For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable" Romans 11:29
"And God is able to make all grace abound to you..."
II Corinthians 9:8
"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts.. and be thankful."
Colossians 3:15
"But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. And may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ." II Thessalonians 3:3,5.
The Incomparable Sweetness of Suffering!
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