There I stood at the side of my bed, dazed and disoriented, the sound of my heart pounding a pulsating beat in my chest, a flesh timpani reverberating in my ear drums. I searched in this bewildering race to grab any semblance of logical thought that might traverse the haze - until my senses returned to a soft “why”. No alarm had sounded. In fact, there was a perfect stillness and peace in the night, a somewhat beguiling quiet, a tranquil calm.
But I had just violently thrown the covers off my person and jumped to the side of my bed where I now literally stood at attention as if ready to receive the commands of a military officer. All this occurred in mere seconds. I now stood alert as my powers of reason began to focus and were called to arms. I turn to God. “I am here”.
I am here, but why? Enter logic. Perhaps I need to visit the restroom. I move somewhat routinely but slowly around the foot of my bed in an attempt to make my way to the bathroom door as I take physical inventory. I stop. No. There is no need to go to the restroom. Natural forces are not calling on this one. And there it is.
I lift my head ever so slowly and my eyes are instantly fixated on the clock at the edge of the dresser just next to the bathroom door, its numbers a beacon, bright and beaming, an assault on the darkness. 3:33. And God speaks…
“Fear not in these troubled times. I am here. I am calling all things in your life to order. I am bringing alignment of your life to my purposes and this will be a reminder to you, a sign of my faithfulness, my sure involvement in the orchestrations of your life, and a motivational and confirming assurance to press on in times of doubt. You are not alone.” My shoulders relax as a sigh is released and the constricting pressure vanishes from my torso in an invisible breath. “Do not let your heart be troubled. Draw nearer and press on for I am here. I am with you. You are not alone. You are not abandoned. Fear not. I am not ignorant of your circumstances. I am with you.”
The years have passed quickly and these moments of affectionate reminders have punctuated my weeks with irregular regularity offering hope and the promise of what lies just around the corner. In an unexpected instant, where the eventuallys are released to birth and give powerful substance to our present realities, faith would have its payoff. I take a snapshot of my bare foot stepping out of the River Jordan and onto the sandy shore of the Land of Canaan - a time yet to be but so real all my senses revel in it. These repeating digits have become my familiar friend throughout the years for they speak of a very personal God who is faithful beyond measure and who takes interest in every aspect of my life and concerns.
I am a REALTOR® by profession and several months ago I went with a friend to prepare a property for showing. A potential buyer from New York City was flying in to see it in person and we wanted their visit to be perfect. Despite the amazing attributes of this particular estate, it has not sold in 6 months. It is owned by a non-profit ministry that considers its sale a means to facilitate what God has called them to accomplish much more expediently by taking advantage of other options presently available to them.
We turned on all the lights revealing the resort style décor of overstuffed leather chairs and modern impressionistic oil paintings of flowering fields and lavish landscapes; opened the wood blinds to bring in the budding of nature’s light on this particularly refreshing blue-sky day; lit candles to add warmth; sprayed whispers of apple cinnamon air freshener to create that “home for the holidays” feeling and set the CD player to offer softly emotive instrumental music in the background. We invite the power of the Holy Spirit to create a truly inspirational welcoming atmosphere. All said and done, we were so happy to be in this wonderful place but I was concerned. I know what is at stake. This property has to sell soon. Several truly great projects are on hold until this property sells. Thousands of children are in the balance as are families that are hurting without healing or knowledge of God’s redemptive power. This property just has to sell soon. My heart began to feel heavy as I pulled some dried leaves from an overgrown kitchen plant… and there it was…
I looked up and noticed the microwave read 5:55. I immediately called to my friend who was in the living room as I made my way to the master bedroom suite to quickly light a candle there, “The microwave says 5:55! The microwave says 5:55!” That is so Jesus! In the midst of my concerns, just at the right moment, He reminds me that He is in this thing with me. My friend yells back, “Alex, the number five is the number of grace! God’s grace is all over this!” My friend knows the 3:33 story, my frequent sightings of numbers in repetition and the need for us to sell this property to help advance God’s kingdom. She was there to witness the miracle.
I was so encouraged. But before I could respond with gratitude for her participation in my present infusion of faith, I began to shout and laugh with great rejoicing. As I entered the master bedroom, the alarm clock on the night stand was blinking 11:11. This was just too much for me to contain. I exploded with delight at God’s timely reminder of His ever present faithfulness, kindness, compassion, mercy, goodness and covenant to never leave us nor forsake us. Despite whatever circumstance we are in, He is always there as a Father, Friend and Hero to protect and defend and provide for us. Always.
God has communicated so much of His faithfulness to me throughout the years that I now consider these numbers with great soberness.
01. Unity, whole, complete, eternity, harmony, God's omnipotence
02. Covenant - God plus another, division in illustrating difference
03. Divine perfection, fullness of time (past, present, future)
04. Creation or creative works, earth, cycles of nature
05. Grace, redemption, restoration, healing, Holy Spirit baptism
06. Man or mankind, soulish, vanity, impersonation, deceptiveness
07. Spiritual perfection, God’s seal of authenticity, Holy Spirit
08. Newness, regeneration, resurrection, infilling of the Holy Spirit
09. Conclusion, end of man’s work, finality, judgment
10. Perfection of Divine order or arrangement, sum of humanity
11. Revelation, abundance, more than required, generosity, devotion
12. God’s governmental perfection, ruling, the Church, faith walk
Ok, so let me share with you the latest…
This morning my eyes snapped open and recognizing the immediate alertness of the moment I quickly glanced at the clock to see it read 8:28. Now beloved, I can guess what each of you might be thinking… oh, that is a reference to Romans 8:28. After all, how very appropriate for God to remind you that, “All things work together for good to those who are called according to His purposes in Christ Jesus”. Yes, that is true. Yes, that is encouraging. Yes, that is a typical, often quoted verse in times of trouble or sorrow. I am not making light of it for the Word (Scripture) is the Word (timely message) is the Word (Jesus incarnate)! But let me share with you what God spoke to me in those familiar numbers this morning…
“Beloved, in the midst of this present storm, I have covenant with you (number 2) to surround you with newness of life (number 8). New things are about to manifest in and through your life as you are surrounded by freshness under the terms of my covenant of faithfulness to you.” Woohoo! What a great way to wake up and face the day that lies ahead. One day at a time.
As I write this I am aware I have become more trusting. These frequent injections of faith remind me in the worst of moments that God is with me. I have begun to read and study the life of Joseph again. In the dungeons of our dark places God is still with us. God is still on His throne. God is still for us. God remains faithful. What matters is not what I see or hear or feel. What matters is what God says is real. What His word defines or His Holy Spirit reveals even in the digits of a clock.
Beloved, Be Blessed!
P.S. And this I know: God has always been faithful. He has always come through. He has promised that His own will not be found begging for bread. He has promised provision and protection. He has sealed us with His blood and His Holy Spirit of Promise. His love and mercy have no limits, no boundaries and no restraints. He is for us. He is passionate. He is truth. He is a bankable commodity in times of global financial upheaval for He is ever sure, stable and solid. His character does not change. He is the Great I AM. Stay tuned!
Numbers 23:19
“God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent. Has He said and will He not do it? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good?”
But I had just violently thrown the covers off my person and jumped to the side of my bed where I now literally stood at attention as if ready to receive the commands of a military officer. All this occurred in mere seconds. I now stood alert as my powers of reason began to focus and were called to arms. I turn to God. “I am here”.
I am here, but why? Enter logic. Perhaps I need to visit the restroom. I move somewhat routinely but slowly around the foot of my bed in an attempt to make my way to the bathroom door as I take physical inventory. I stop. No. There is no need to go to the restroom. Natural forces are not calling on this one. And there it is.
I lift my head ever so slowly and my eyes are instantly fixated on the clock at the edge of the dresser just next to the bathroom door, its numbers a beacon, bright and beaming, an assault on the darkness. 3:33. And God speaks…
“Fear not in these troubled times. I am here. I am calling all things in your life to order. I am bringing alignment of your life to my purposes and this will be a reminder to you, a sign of my faithfulness, my sure involvement in the orchestrations of your life, and a motivational and confirming assurance to press on in times of doubt. You are not alone.” My shoulders relax as a sigh is released and the constricting pressure vanishes from my torso in an invisible breath. “Do not let your heart be troubled. Draw nearer and press on for I am here. I am with you. You are not alone. You are not abandoned. Fear not. I am not ignorant of your circumstances. I am with you.”
The years have passed quickly and these moments of affectionate reminders have punctuated my weeks with irregular regularity offering hope and the promise of what lies just around the corner. In an unexpected instant, where the eventuallys are released to birth and give powerful substance to our present realities, faith would have its payoff. I take a snapshot of my bare foot stepping out of the River Jordan and onto the sandy shore of the Land of Canaan - a time yet to be but so real all my senses revel in it. These repeating digits have become my familiar friend throughout the years for they speak of a very personal God who is faithful beyond measure and who takes interest in every aspect of my life and concerns.
I am a REALTOR® by profession and several months ago I went with a friend to prepare a property for showing. A potential buyer from New York City was flying in to see it in person and we wanted their visit to be perfect. Despite the amazing attributes of this particular estate, it has not sold in 6 months. It is owned by a non-profit ministry that considers its sale a means to facilitate what God has called them to accomplish much more expediently by taking advantage of other options presently available to them.
We turned on all the lights revealing the resort style décor of overstuffed leather chairs and modern impressionistic oil paintings of flowering fields and lavish landscapes; opened the wood blinds to bring in the budding of nature’s light on this particularly refreshing blue-sky day; lit candles to add warmth; sprayed whispers of apple cinnamon air freshener to create that “home for the holidays” feeling and set the CD player to offer softly emotive instrumental music in the background. We invite the power of the Holy Spirit to create a truly inspirational welcoming atmosphere. All said and done, we were so happy to be in this wonderful place but I was concerned. I know what is at stake. This property has to sell soon. Several truly great projects are on hold until this property sells. Thousands of children are in the balance as are families that are hurting without healing or knowledge of God’s redemptive power. This property just has to sell soon. My heart began to feel heavy as I pulled some dried leaves from an overgrown kitchen plant… and there it was…
I looked up and noticed the microwave read 5:55. I immediately called to my friend who was in the living room as I made my way to the master bedroom suite to quickly light a candle there, “The microwave says 5:55! The microwave says 5:55!” That is so Jesus! In the midst of my concerns, just at the right moment, He reminds me that He is in this thing with me. My friend yells back, “Alex, the number five is the number of grace! God’s grace is all over this!” My friend knows the 3:33 story, my frequent sightings of numbers in repetition and the need for us to sell this property to help advance God’s kingdom. She was there to witness the miracle.
I was so encouraged. But before I could respond with gratitude for her participation in my present infusion of faith, I began to shout and laugh with great rejoicing. As I entered the master bedroom, the alarm clock on the night stand was blinking 11:11. This was just too much for me to contain. I exploded with delight at God’s timely reminder of His ever present faithfulness, kindness, compassion, mercy, goodness and covenant to never leave us nor forsake us. Despite whatever circumstance we are in, He is always there as a Father, Friend and Hero to protect and defend and provide for us. Always.
God has communicated so much of His faithfulness to me throughout the years that I now consider these numbers with great soberness.
01. Unity, whole, complete, eternity, harmony, God's omnipotence
02. Covenant - God plus another, division in illustrating difference
03. Divine perfection, fullness of time (past, present, future)
04. Creation or creative works, earth, cycles of nature
05. Grace, redemption, restoration, healing, Holy Spirit baptism
06. Man or mankind, soulish, vanity, impersonation, deceptiveness
07. Spiritual perfection, God’s seal of authenticity, Holy Spirit
08. Newness, regeneration, resurrection, infilling of the Holy Spirit
09. Conclusion, end of man’s work, finality, judgment
10. Perfection of Divine order or arrangement, sum of humanity
11. Revelation, abundance, more than required, generosity, devotion
12. God’s governmental perfection, ruling, the Church, faith walk
Ok, so let me share with you the latest…
This morning my eyes snapped open and recognizing the immediate alertness of the moment I quickly glanced at the clock to see it read 8:28. Now beloved, I can guess what each of you might be thinking… oh, that is a reference to Romans 8:28. After all, how very appropriate for God to remind you that, “All things work together for good to those who are called according to His purposes in Christ Jesus”. Yes, that is true. Yes, that is encouraging. Yes, that is a typical, often quoted verse in times of trouble or sorrow. I am not making light of it for the Word (Scripture) is the Word (timely message) is the Word (Jesus incarnate)! But let me share with you what God spoke to me in those familiar numbers this morning…
“Beloved, in the midst of this present storm, I have covenant with you (number 2) to surround you with newness of life (number 8). New things are about to manifest in and through your life as you are surrounded by freshness under the terms of my covenant of faithfulness to you.” Woohoo! What a great way to wake up and face the day that lies ahead. One day at a time.
As I write this I am aware I have become more trusting. These frequent injections of faith remind me in the worst of moments that God is with me. I have begun to read and study the life of Joseph again. In the dungeons of our dark places God is still with us. God is still on His throne. God is still for us. God remains faithful. What matters is not what I see or hear or feel. What matters is what God says is real. What His word defines or His Holy Spirit reveals even in the digits of a clock.
Beloved, Be Blessed!
P.S. And this I know: God has always been faithful. He has always come through. He has promised that His own will not be found begging for bread. He has promised provision and protection. He has sealed us with His blood and His Holy Spirit of Promise. His love and mercy have no limits, no boundaries and no restraints. He is for us. He is passionate. He is truth. He is a bankable commodity in times of global financial upheaval for He is ever sure, stable and solid. His character does not change. He is the Great I AM. Stay tuned!
Numbers 23:19
“God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent. Has He said and will He not do it? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good?”