Beyond Shadow of Doubt

“Daddy, do you believe God answers when you pray”, Danny asks, his little fingers are still cradled in your hands. Your knees cushioned from the hardwood floor by his “blankey” which at other times protects his little body when he trips, tumbles, falls or even upon which he occasionally naps. The smell of shampoo is still fresh on his silky light brown hair. His baby blue flannel pajamas with pictures of his very favorite cartoon character are a gentle warm from the dryer. You always put them in the dryer just a couple of minutes before you finish his bath so he will feel the warm comfortable softness of them.

In the corner of the room, little ducks in blue sailor suits dance on the wall reflected from his revolving lamp, their figures enlarging as they move away from the source of light and disappear into the soft glow of the room. He looks doe-eyed at the one upon whom he trusts to paint an accurate picture of his heavenly Father. His eye lashes snap once, twice, like a photographer capturing an image for posterity – his life and his heart hang on your response. You hold him so closely, so tenderly, as you contemplate his question and consider your perceptions, experiences, and ultimate response.

Prayer is so simple yet so complex. The issues of life are brought within earshot of a Being with Whom we are suppose to commune so intimately. The relationship we hold, whether actual or illusionary, becomes the foundation of our communion and furthermore the impetus, the condition upon which we can acquire assurance to the fulfillment of our petitions. The relationship is actual because we are His and He is ours. The bond between Father and child can not be broken under any circumstance, ever. It is not based on our feelings, our particular situation, our activities, our goals, our behavior, our worth or our image of lack thereof. It is illusionary because we wrestle. We struggle with belief, with confidence, with permission, with reluctance, with our very concept of Him Who would put our flannel pajamas in the dryer to make our evening slumber that much sweeter. Prayer begins with our concept of Who God “is”!

Excerpt from an Upcoming Book:
"Anticipating Assurance in Answered Prayer - Beyond Shadow of Doubt"